Youth Ministries

Youth Program

The goal of our youth education program is to:

  • EXPERIENCE the stories of our faith in a vibrant, affirming atmosphere;

  • EXPLORE who we are and uncover our God-given gifts;

  • ENJOY deep and abiding friendships with our fellow believers;

  • EXALT God in all that we do.

Classes are offered during Sunday Worship Service from 9:45 - 10:45 am.


Class Offerings

Preschool & Elementary Classes: Our elementary children learn through a rotation curriculum which presents each Bible story in a variety of ways -- through drama, storytelling and games, art and movies. Preschool students study the same topics, but enjoy a self-contained classroom in which to learn with their friends.

Junior Youth Fellowship (JYF) Class: Our Junior High class follows a three year confirmation curriculum.  Lessons are presented in a multi-media fashion, incorporating music, Powerpoint slides, skits, and shared real-life experiences. The focus of this class is to apply knowledge gleaned from Bible stories to our everyday lives.

Senior Youth Fellowship (SYF) Class: This class focuses on the concerns and issues that our youth face everyday and the role faith plays in the decisions they make.


Junior and Senior High Youth Groups:

These groups get to know each other through Sunday school classes and worship as well as through a variety of activities including volunteering. 

In the fall, some of the annual activities include the Welcome Back Picnic where the teens are in charge of the children’s activities. The school year begins with a kick-off party that typically involves food and games. The annual Girls Retreat at Watson Homestead is popular with the girls and their moms. This year includes a trip to the Amazing Maize Maze. There will also be three Honor Flight departures where the group sends off the WW11 veterans with pins and a large banner. Everyone also enjoys the annual Halloween party.


During the winter there is the annual Christmas musical which the teens supervise. In December they gather to decorate the sanctuary followed by a supervised shopping trip to the mall. There are also movie nights and family BINGO nights. There is a volunteer opportunity at a soup kitchen or at Foodlink on MLK Day.


Spring brings Lenten studies and projects. A new addition to the activities includes a six week Easter presentation acted out by the teens and given during the worship service. Senior high students participate in World Vision’s 30 Hour Famine usually in April.


 In summer we keep up with volunteer activities as well as just fun things like making a float for the July 4th parade. This summer marked the 9th annual mission trip through Reach Workcamps where students grow closer to God and bond with their youth group. Fundraisers are held throughout the year to help pay for the trip.

How does volunteering benefit you? 

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