Weekly News in the Pews

January 19, 2025

EUCHRE TOURNAMENT NIGHT: Sunday, February 2, 4:00 - 6:00 PM. Calling all euchre players. Come join us on February 2nd for an evening of Euchre. Signup sheets are located on the bulletin board in Fellowship Hall. Invite a friend and bring a snack to share. BYOB if you please.

ANNUAL GIVING STATEMENTS:  2024 giving statements are now ready. They can be picked up in Fellowship Hall, on the table outside the church office (or in the sanctuary during the Fellowship Hall floor installation)

LENTEN PROJECT 2025:  Let’s Be A Blessing To Others! Imagine struggling to make ends meet. Perhaps things are unraveling quickly in your world, when suddenly someone hands you a special bag filled with items you can’t afford right now but desperately need. Items like warm socks, snacks, simple Band-Aids, Chapstick, tissues, a toothbrush…How wonderful it would feel to think that someone out there cares! This Lent, please help the Board of Missions make this blessing happen for those who are struggling. We will be collecting monetary donations to purchase items (in bulk) to fill “Blessing Bags.” (The cost to assemble each Blessing Bag is approximately $8 - $10.)  Donations can be sent to the church or given at our Missions table in Fellowship Hall during coffee hour from Feb. 2 – Mar. 2. Please make checks in any amount out to:  First Congregational UCC. Write “Lenten Project” on the memo line. These gallon-size plastic bags will be filled with needed items and distributed to Loop Food Pantry and Salem Soup Kitchen on April 8, just in time to share a little Easter blessing with our neighbors in need. We hope you’ll join us in making this blessing happen.

AKOMA, Rochester’s Premier African American Women’s Gospel Choir, will present a concert on Saturday, February 1st at 4:00 P.M. in our sanctuary. While admission is free, there will be a free will offering. Please invite your friends and neighbors. ALL ARE WELCOME!

BOY SCOUT TROOP 207 is collecting food for the Perinton Food Shelf during the month of January. It is best to have donations be "single" size or regular size (i.e. no family size cereal boxes, etc.)

OUR NEXT SHARED CONFIRMATION WINTER SESSION will meet on Sunday, January 26th from 2:00 – 4:00 P.M. at Mountain Rise United Church of Christ, located at 2 Mountain Rise, Fairport, NY.

FIRST CHURCH BOOK CLUB will meet at 1:00 on Monday, January 27 to discuss The Personal Librarian by Marie Benedict.

KNITTING CIRCLE meets at 1:00 every Monday except the last Monday of the month. You can knit or crochet if you have that skill or learn something new knitting a hat on a circular loom. New this year is knitting a scarf on a long loom. Come join the fun and fellowship. All are welcome. We donate many of our hats to various charitable organizations. Questions: contact Irene Utter at iutter@rochester.rr.com or call 585-425-7408.

PERINTON CONGREGATIONS FOR GREATER ROCHESTER HABITAT FOR HUMANITY is looking for volunteers to help finish construction of its house at 207 Melville St. In Rochester. If you would like to help, look for the display on the wall behind the Coffee Hour tables. Choose a date(s) from the lists and print your name and phone number. Call Frank Stein at 704-4510. He will forward your information to the work coordinator. Thank you for your interest in this important work. The Board of Missions and Outreach.

SAVE THE POP TABS to help the Rochester Ronald McDonald House. Place them in the plastic jug in Fellowship Hall. 

IN-PERSON WORSHIP:  The bulletin can be accessed via the QR code on your mobile phone or tablet. Prayer requests must be emailed to Pastor Greg at revgregrup.ucc@gmail.com by 8:00am on Sunday with the subject line Joy or Prayer Concern. You can view the Virtual Worship Service on Facebook Live at https://www.facebook.com/First-Congregational-United-Church-of-Christ-Fairport-NY-174043249305098/. An audio Worship Service will be uploaded to our church’s website each week, usually on Monday. 

PERINTON FOOD SHELF current list of most needed items can be found on their website at https://perintonfoodshelf.org/#needed. SMALL SIZES ARE PREFERRED.

LIGHT THE NIGHT:  Thank you to David and Paula Dickson for keeping the steeple light burning bright in January in honor of their grandchildren, Oliver, Donald, and Everett.


1:00 PM Knitting Club
700 PM Church Council
7:00 PM New Life AA

Rev. Gregory J. Rupright, Pastor
Rev. Dr. John N. Cedarleaf, Pastor Emeritus
Beatrice Benedict, Organist
Heather Watras, Director of Music Ministries
Vicki Sherry, Administrative Assistant
Christian Copyright Licensing International #2320160
Phone:  585-223-0224;  Website:  fairportucc.org
Office email:  vsherry.ucc@gmail.com


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