Is there something you really love about our church and would like to support directly, or help improve?
In addition to annual pledging, there are many opportunities to support First Church. In the past, individual donations have enabled such improvements as:
• Vintage lighting for the columbarium
• Music scholarships
• New rear entrance
• New carpeting, refinished pews and new roof
• Addition of the Snow Room
The Les Slocum Choral Scholarship Fund (LSCSF) – This money is used to hire music students from local colleges or universities to supplement and enhance our chancel choir.
The General Music Fund – Donations may be directed toward purchasing music supplies, special music or performance fees.
Memorial Fund
Donations to this fund are used to purchase needed equipment or building upgrades and include a commemorative plaque mounted on the purchased item. Past examples include the communion table, the rear church door, and an audio visual cabinet.
Donations to this fund are used to purchase needed equipment or building upgrades and include a commemorative plaque mounted on the purchased item. Past examples include the communion table, the rear church door, and an audio visual cabinet.
Light The Night
Another special way to honor or remember a loved one is to “light the night” in their honor. A donation of $50 will keep the steeple lights burning for a month. Your kind donation and the person in whose name the donation was made will be noted in the church bulletin each Sunday of that month.
Welcome Center
To help the church set up a “welcome center” in Fellowship Hall and in the narthex (by the front door), a donation of a wireless capable computer is desired. This will be used as a tool to help warmly greet visitors and show them the array of learning, fellowship and mission activities at our church.
The Jean Cedarleaf Adult Education Speaker Fund
A donation of $100 would secure an adult education speaker for 1-2 weeks.
To help the church set up a “welcome center” in Fellowship Hall and in the narthex (by the front door), a donation of a wireless capable computer is desired. This will be used as a tool to help warmly greet visitors and show them the array of learning, fellowship and mission activities at our church.
The Jean Cedarleaf Adult Education Speaker Fund
A donation of $100 would secure an adult education speaker for 1-2 weeks.
Summer Nursery Care
A donation of $175 would provide for a paid summer nursery care provider, giving parent volunteers a welcomed break.
Mission Trip Donation
Donations in any amount will be used to help send our youth and chaperones on their annual mission trip where they work to improve housing in impoverished areas.
Youth Spaghetti Dinner
Donations in any amount would help purchase food needed for the annual youth spaghetti dinner, thereby increasing the profit which is used to fund the annual mission trip.
Donations in any amount would help purchase food needed for the annual youth spaghetti dinner, thereby increasing the profit which is used to fund the annual mission trip.
Coffee Hour Sponsor
Twenty-five dollars would sponsor one of our Sunday coffee hours. Your donation would be used to purchase coffee, tea, and goodies offered during this weekly fellowship time.
Donations are always welcome to add further beauty to our historic church property. Money will be used to purchase flowers, mulch and other landscaping needs.
Twenty-five dollars would sponsor one of our Sunday coffee hours. Your donation would be used to purchase coffee, tea, and goodies offered during this weekly fellowship time.
Donations are always welcome to add further beauty to our historic church property. Money will be used to purchase flowers, mulch and other landscaping needs.
Altar Flowers
The beautiful altar flowers each week may be donated in honor or in memory of a loved one, who is listed in that Sunday’s bulletin. Cost is $30.
The beautiful altar flowers each week may be donated in honor or in memory of a loved one, who is listed in that Sunday’s bulletin. Cost is $30.
Endowment Fund
When estate planning, consider making a testamentary gift to our Endowment Fund. Money in this fund is used exclusively for capital projects and for mission and outreach opportunities.
When estate planning, consider making a testamentary gift to our Endowment Fund. Money in this fund is used exclusively for capital projects and for mission and outreach opportunities.
Trustees Capital Improvement Fund:
A donation to this fund will be used for such projects as reducing noise in the Snow Room, purchasing a video screen and improved speakers in the sanctuary, remodeling the kitchen, electronic cataloging and preserving historic information and other important projects.
A donation to this fund will be used for such projects as reducing noise in the Snow Room, purchasing a video screen and improved speakers in the sanctuary, remodeling the kitchen, electronic cataloging and preserving historic information and other important projects.
When donating, please make your check out to “First Congregational UCC” and note the specific fund and/or need toward which you’d like your donation directed on the memo line.
Questions? Call the church office at 585-223-0224. Our church secretary will gladly direct you to the best person to answer your questions.
Thank you for your support